Genealogical Society of Douglas County, Inc.

Mission / Purpose

Objectives of the Society are:
  1. To bring together persons who are researching family history and to promote fellowship and cooperation among them.
  2. To locate, preserve, index and publish public and private genealogical records.
  3. To acquire a collection of genealogical and historical materials in its library.
  4. To foster, stimulate and share ideas, information, methods and practices in family research.

Operating Year: January - December 2024

Board Members
President: Stephanie Giles
Vice President: Dale Greenley
Recording Secretary: Margo Roten
Corresponding Secretary: Michael Landy
Treasurer: Mycolynda Updegraff
Membership Secretary: Kay Livermore
Head Librarian: Stephanie Giles
Cemeteries: Jim Luse
Editor - Newsletter: Margo Roten
Facebook: Eileen Talburt
Head Librarian: Stephanie Giles
Publicity: Vacant
Website: Kay Livermore

Meeting Info